Monday, May 11, 2009

Election time in Lotusland.

Here we go again.
False rumors and ugly truths are once again hitting the airwaves.
Only the real junkies know who to vote for.
As for the rest of us, well, we'll make up our minds when we drag ourselves over to the voting booth and put a mark behind whatever bum we choose to support.
God, I don't even remember the last time when I actually was excited about voting for someone instead of trying to figure out who is the most harmless jackass amongst all those who feel they have the necessary credentials to represent those of us who don't have the balls or the money to put our own name on the ballot.
The "economy" is the magic word now, and both, the liberals and new democrats are using it like a dull axe to whip dock workers, soccer moms and pensioners alike into such a frenzy that all off them will end up like crazed wino's jabbering away about the end of times, demanding a human sacrifice or at least a tax rebate of hideous proportions.
The liberals don't seem to be able to stop dragging Clark and Sihota's legacy out of the dustbin and the democrats are trying to convince us that Campbell and his goons are exactly the kind of incompetent yahoo's and perverts that we suspect them to be.
The greens are slowly sliding out of the public's awareness because hey, who's going to worry about global warming, rising sea levels, massive crop failures or millions of illiterate heathens in some god forsaken place dying of malnutrition or starvation when YOU could be losing your job. Shit, even the ethical funds in my portfolio took a 25% hit.

Some pollsters have been telling us that both parties could be in a position to form our next government, give or take a few percentage points. Liberal pollsters, who work for the democratic party, foresee a come from behind victory for their client while conservative pollsters, working for the liberals, have gone where the smart money went and are on record by giving Campbell his third win in 8 years. If I were a betting man, and I am, then my money is on the liberals. People will vote with their wallets tomorrow and consequently this province will be run for another four years by people who have no shame. Once again they'll get to whoop it up, run wild and go about their greedy filthy business. These swine would have been legally put to sleep in any properly organized society. It truly is a pity that there is not enough support to throw the old pimps and their whores out and select a whole new batch of incompetent political hacks and let them run the show for a while.
Lord, oh Lord, where will it all end?

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